To create a forum where black men can feel safe to discuss any concerns, relating to their children, partners, or self.
For men to reflect on what they have been through whether it be good or bad and share good practices in relation to parenting.
Encourage men to become or stay involved in their children’s education and social development.
- To organise specific workshops on varied topics i.e emotional, well being, shame, guilt & pride .
- To organise conferences annually.
- Organise family day outs, so that fathers can spend some quality time with their children having fun.
- Encourage more fathers to take responsibility of their children in their educational, spiritual, emotional, and financial endeavours and promote self motivation for their children.
- Need to establish positive communicate skills when having contact with mother’s, of their children.
- To seek support when required
- Encourage self acceptance / self love.
- To explore what breaks up families, what keeps families together and addressing the need to show tolerance and patience.
Why a Black Father’s Group?
When I organised a Black Parenting Workshop a few years ago, we had spaces for 54 people, the event was full and only 4 men were in attendance. This disturbed me, Why? It went against my beliefs and supported others who believed black men are only sperm donors.The Media – Politician, some mothers, teachers, and children all stereo type us has the invisible men, who have babies and leave them for mothers and the State to look after. They say we show none or little regards towards our children’s emotional, spiritual, educational, financial or social development.
Written by Everton Augustus
Thursday, 02 June 2011 14:45
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